The Darkroom Creative draws on GLP classics for Walker Hayes’ arena tour

Nashville‐based singer‐songwriter Walker Hayes recently embarked on his first headline arena tour, with the help of The Darkroom Creative (Seth Jackson and Nathan Alves), who were responsible for the stage lighting.
Helping them build their set was a bunch of classic but timeless ‘impression’ LED fixtures from GLP – notably around 60 of the compact X4 S LED washlights and X4 Bar 20 battens, agile workhorses which helped make the production budget stretch. The inventory was provided, as is so often the case on Darkroom’s projects, by Bandit Lites.
Speaking of the impression X4 S Alves says: “We’re big into large amounts of small wash fixtures in the air right now. I think there’s something to be said for having that much horsepower in the form of a meaty wash to lay in as a base layer to build on top of.”
“We went to older‐tech fixtures in the GLP line because we knew they were reliable and proven technologies,” adds Jackson. “We also knew the personality of the fixtures – how the colour changes, how their speed reacts, and how the brightness and colour temperature react. We also knew these lights could be multi‐functional – something we absolutely needed.”
Bandit Lites, in the shape of crew chief AJ Quintel, supported the tour, as they generally do on The Darkroom Creative’s outings. “It’s a great relationship and they always make us feel at home when we walk in,” says Alves.
In conclusion, both LDs acknowledge that the entire Walker camp has been a pleasure to work with, ”without ego or strife, everyone having a great time together, all just pitching in, with job titles blurred.”
Saving the best till last, the most telling testimonial about the GLP fixtures is provided by Nathan Alves as he simply says: “They just work.”
And as to what qualities the lights themselves bring to a set, Seth Jackson is unequivocal. “For me it’s all about the colour system, which provides exactly the same response across the product line. You can get rich, solid hues and subtle pastels. You can also do a lot of colour temperature choices. Of course, ultimately, it is about the people at GLP. As we have said many times, everyone makes a great light, it is the quality of the people and support behind the light that really matters!”

Photo © The Darkroom Creative