Nate Haber pumps up Lorna Shore show with Color STRIKE M
Lorna Shore doesn’t hesitate to bend or break rules in order to expand their musical horizons, readily adding techno and symphonic elements to their signature metalcore sound. But when it comes to lighting, the band and their LD, Nate Haber, do have one edict that they’re pretty strict about: limit the use of front light. Haber has been able to serve up some tasty varieties of those looks, along with some blow‐your‐ head back audience lighting on Lorna Shore’s current Pain Remains Tour with help from a Squeek Lights rig that features 14 CHAUVET Professional Color STRIKE M motorized strobes/washes. Haber is arranging four raised Color STRIKE M fixtures on each side of the guitar cabinets. The remaining six units are used to light the drummer. “They are really bright and really strobey,” he said of the high‐powered lights. “For Lorna Shore, it's tons of strobes all the time. They want to blind people. They want the crowd to feel overwhelmed. “We also use these fixtures for audience lighting,” continued Haber. “We do use a lot of audience light – and I do mean a lot of it, often in the form of flashes on big drum hits. We have some cool chases for solos also. Our current on tour photographer Nick Chance has excellent timing and we work really well together.”