Australian Women’s World Cup Fest lit by dplr with CHAUVET Professional from Showtools International

Australian Women’s World Cup Fest lit by dplr with CHAUVET Professional from Showtools International Enhancing the festive atmosphere and providing unforgettable visuals at the event, which began July 20th and runs through August 20th, has been a bold and colorful lighting setup by dplr that was anchored by 108 CHAUVET Professional fixtures from Showtools International. Included in this collection are 16 Maverick Storm 4 units, 20 Outcast R2X Washes, eight Colorado PXL Bar 16 motorized battens, 12 Rogue Outcast 1 BeamWashes, 12 Color Strike M motorized strobes, and 40 Colorado Batten 72X linear washes.
“The reliability of the fixtures, combined with the outstanding lighting effects and performance, has been a
standout feature,” said dplr Director Andy Lysle. “Chauvet’s expansion into a wide range of IP‐rated lighting solutions is very impressive.” Arranged on four rows of horizontal overhead truss, three columns of vertical truss on each site, and along the backdrop, the fixtures were skillfully deployed by the design team to reflect the spirit of the festival as well as the individual music and personality of the preforming artists. Dazzling crowds with a range of looks, from richly texture color washes to bold white blinders, to pixel mapped specials, and everything in between they’re setting an upbeat mood for the festival.
Engaging the audience with its bright output and long throw capabilities has been the Maverick Storm 4, which is flown on two rows of downstage truss. Flown over mid‐stage, the Color STRIKE M is adding to the visual variety with its pixel mapped effects, strobing and audience lighting. The Rogue Outcast 1 BeamWash with its wide beam range and pixel mappable LED is also contributing to the rich abundance of looks at the wildly popular festival.