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Robe LEDBeam 350s in the house for Ultra Events!

It’s an encouraging time for Cape Town‐based Ultra Events who have purchased 12 Robe Robin LEDBeam 350s from DWR Distribution which will go straight to work this weekend!

With Covid‐19 still fresh in the minds of the live events industry, it’s wonderful to see Costa Champanis, owner of Ultra Events, flourishing once again! Costa was one of the core people during the pandemic who would meet up to come up with plans and ideas to save the live events industry and was instrumental in the formation of #LightSAred. He has a heart for people, and a dedication towards his clients, and to see business coming back to normal is simply wonderful.

“Oh, what I relief!” said Costa. “After a dark period of business during Covid, with the events industry being shut down and our ability to work restricted, it’s a great feeling to be on site and doing what we love most with great people and nice toys to work with.”

Johnny Scholtz, DWR’s representative in Cape Town says, “I was able to spend a bit of time with Costa and his team while taking delivery of their new LEDBeam 350s. They already have work for the units this weekend and Costa says they will be properly put to the test this busy season! The team is very excited about the new kit.”

The LEDBeam 350 is the big brother of the popular LEDBeam 150. The punchy unit creates fast sweeping beams and gorgeous washes while maintaining a 3.8° to 60° zoom range. Robe’s lens coating technology keeps lenses clearer and scratch‐free. CPulse™ (Pulse Width Modulation control system) removes any on‐screen camera flicker, making LEDBeam 350s eminently suitable for work with the most advanced HD and UHD cameras.


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