Robe colours up “Allesandro Nell’Indie” for Bayreuth Baroque Opera Festival

Bayreuth, Germany, an epicentre of creativity and exploration in the world of opera, hosted its third Baroque Opera Festival (BBOF) this year with a lively programme of works including “Allesandro Nell’Indie”, which was lit by French LD David Debrinay using over 50 Robe moving lights including T1 and T2 Profiles and LEDBeam 350s. Three memorable performances were staged at the stunning Margravial Opera House (Markgräfliches Opernhaus). Co‐ordinating the Festival’s lighting specification and procurement was Kai Fischer. One of David’s stipulations was for colour changing follow spots, which became a driver as Kai looked for flexible LED follow spotting solutions, and this brought him first to the RoboSpot remote follow system. Impressed with all the T2 Profile features, David and Kai specified another 20 units onto the production which were distributed on the over‐stage LX bars 1, 3, 4, and 6, making up the total of 24 x T2 Profiles. These were augmented with 12 x T1 Profiles and 24 x LEDBeam 350s. Four T1s, one each on two towers each side of the stage, were joined by six on LX2 with the last pair in the very tight stage ‘slip’ positions on the floor. In the acute angled auditorium slip positions offstage right and left was one LEDBeam 350 a side for very steep front washes, with the rest distributed on over‐stage LX bars 1, 3, 4 and 5 where they worked as general stage washing and for specials.

Photos © Louise Stickland