LD Raphael Grebenstein turns to more than 120 of the compact, lightweight GLP impression FR1
On 5th November, the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF) broadcast its anniversary programme Ghörig – Party, Celebrities, Major Hits. 50 Years of ORF’s Vorarlberg Studio.
Light Art Studios GmbH from Hamburg was charged with the lighting design for this music show, with Raphael Grebenstein acting as lighting designer and DoP. In order to be able to deliver a varied show – with 19 different performances in the comparatively small studio – he opted for 128 GLP impression FR1 and 10 JDC1, among other items.
The compact impression FR1 primarily served to trace and emphasise the shape of the stage in the rig. In addition, the fixtures were also integrated on the bottom of the legs of the triangles to further emphasise the edge. “When selecting the main effect lighting, it was important to me to be able to install a large number in order to make the relatively small studio look bigger in the camera,” Grebenstein continues. “At the same time, the ceiling height and the maximum ceiling load of 100 kg per metre were issues that presented us with challenges.
The impression FR1, weighing just 4 kg, was simply the perfect lamp for this. Used as an effect light, it makes a very nice wash beam, aided by with the colour mixture and a very fast zoom.” The JDC1s framed the set at the back of the stage, both in their function as washlights and strobe lights and for occasional high‐key effects. “The JDC1 is a workhorse as both a wash light and a strobe/blinder,” continues the designer. “It has a very modern look thanks to the LED surfaces, and due to its size it fits in everywhere. It can therefore be used well on both small and large stages.”
Raphael Grebenstein was supported on site by show light operator Tobias Reinartz, white light operator Dominik Döhler, and Gaffer and project manager light/rigging Johannes Laugwitz.
Photos © Raphael Grebenstein/Light Art Studios