Claypaky launching CP Green ‐Spotlight on Sustainability Initiative

Claypaky has launched a new company initiative “CP Green – Spotlight on Sustainability” to approach the topic of environmental sustainability with even greater focus and in a more systematical way. To coordinate all the corporate initiatives, integrate them across the whole organization and secure the execution of the changes, a Sustainability team, led by Claypaky Executive Andreas Huber has been formed. “Sustainability became a high priority in Claypaky as we aim pioneering sustainable Entertainment products and operations for a safe and better world – driving sustainability is a crucial part of fulfilling our company ambitions and goals.” Says Marcus Graser, Claypaky CEO. “My mission is orchestrating the Sustainability & Environment activities and foster lasting connections across the company inspiring and engaging colleagues across the Claypaky organization in their work to support the Sustainability & Environment activities.” Says Andreas Huber. “I will listen to ideas from any colleague on how we can improve further”. Claypaky has already implemented several projects to reduce the environmental impact of its business activities.
Here are just few examples:
Implementation of the Kanban control system into our manufacturing process to increase the efficiency of the operation and reduce waste.
Optimization of the compressed air production and testing procedures leading to the reduction of the total electrical consumption and CO2.
Elimination of all solvent‐based coloured ink on our product packaging.
Paperless operation in the production process and paperless fairs.