Ayrton IP65‐rated fixtures chosen for EXPO 2020 Dubai

Lighting designer and founding partner of Woodroffe Bassett Designs, Adam Bassett, specified a wealth of IP65‐rated Ayrton fixtures for the entertainment lighting rig for EXPO 2020 Dubai’s central venue, the Al Wasl dome. The rig included 182 Ayrton Perseo S profiles, 116 Ayrton Domino S profiles and 16 Ayrton Huracán LT long throw profiles. Due to the inhospitable conditions of summer in the desert, fixture selection for the iconic venue was a subject of careful consideration. “Choosing fixtures that were both capable of withstanding the harsh environment that they would be required to operate in as well as delivering the high output and extensive feature set was our goal when examining the fixture options available,” says Bassett. “Among others, we chose a range of Ayrton products (Domino‐S & Perseo‐S) which confidently matched up to these demands.
Additionally, we selected the Huracán LT fixture as one of the automated follow‐spot sources working in conjunction with the Follow‐Me system. The Ayrton fixtures proved a reliable and effective workhorse throughout.” All the Ayrton fixtures specified by WBD are IP65 rated and have a reputation for reliability which was invaluable, given the limited amount of time and access for maintenance. “Despite these conditions, there were hardly any failings in the Ayrton fixtures,” said Senior Lighting Programmer, Chris Lose. “The Perseo in particular was rock solid.” The Ayrton fixtures were rigged in all of the major lighting positions. Beneath each of the forty‐two projection pods located around the circumference of the dome’s trellis were 4 Ayrton Perseo S profile fixtures (total 168) and 2 Ayrton Domino S (total 84), all in sand coloured skins.
These were used to light the central stage, garden areas and the wider concourse. Four masts and four RMU positions within the garden were each hung with 4 Domino S profile fixtures (32 in total) which were used for stage and area washes from within the garden area. These also carried a total of 16 Ayrton Huracán LT long throw profile fixtures which acted as follow spots in conjunction with a Follow‐Me tracking system. The mast and RMU Domino S and Huracán LT were also coated in sand coloured skins. The only black Ayrton fixtures were 14 Perseo S profile units, located on the central audio truss 10m above the main stage, and the only fixtures to provide overhead stage lighting.
Photos © Ralph Larmann