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TRANSCOLOR invests in first Robe iFORTES for Poland

Poland’s largest lighting rental company, TRANSCOLOR, has invested in Robe iFORTES, currently the highest‐ powered LED fixture from Robe’s expanding iSeries of IP rated products.

The purchase – the first iFORTES to be delivered in Poland – underlines TRANSCOLOR owner and boss Lucjan Siwczyk’s trend setting policies by purchasing innovative equipment. This will often set new investment directions for other companies in the Polish rental market, which is always a big boost for the brand concerned in Poland.

Lucjan explained that they looked carefully at some different options when sourcing high powered IP rated luminaires before deciding on the iFORTE, although the company already has a consistent track record of investing in Robe over the years, among other brands, so it was always a strong contender.

“Lighting designers and show producers are often wanting to work with IP rated products now. Obviously for any outdoor work and for various other circumstances,” Lucjan commented,

adding that a great advantage of iFORTE is that it resembles the standard (non‐IP rated) FORTE in aesthetics and almost all features, and this is a great advantage for TV and broadcast applications where fixtures in shot all look similar on camera.

He also mentioned the close cultural and historical similarities between Poles and Czechs, and he is delighted that “our Slavic brothers have created such a company”. Lucjan believes that they should support each other in their business. “We were separated from the Western world by the Iron Curtain for 50 years, and today people from the West work at Robe.”

Lucjan has great respect for Robe CEO Josef Valchar, his vision and his dedication to product design and development, but what’s more important is that “the company truly has a human face”.

TRANSCOLOR’s willingness to invest in and promote Robe products has had a knock‐on effect and sends a strong and clear message out to other companies in the active Polish rental market.

With over 1000 Robe fixtures of various types in stock from the ubiquitous MegaPointe to the popular LEDWash 800, which is a particular favourite at TRANSCOLOR, especially for the many TV productions which are serviced at their studio complex in Warsaw.

Photo © Louise Stickland


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