Robe PAINTES and LEDBeam 350s add more Carnival Magic at Sea
The action‐packed 1500‐capacity Showtime Theatre show lounge and central entertainment hub of the 306‐ metre long Carnival Magic cruise ship has been upgraded with 30 x new Robe PAINTE, 30 x LEDBeam 350 and 12 x miniPointe moving lights.
Co‐ordinating the upgrade project was Carnival Cruise Line fleet supervisor for lighting Silviu Ardelean and lighting manager Alexander Nelson, who explained that the refit saw the replacement of the original moving lights. Alex noted that in the cruise world, they generally expect around seven to 10 years’ life out of equipment in relation to technical refits, with maintenance onboard all Carnival Cruise Line ships co‐ordinated by in‐ house teams and technical support engineers. With this specific refit on the horizon, they looked at options, explained Silviu. They had eyes on PAINTE luminaires for some time – a compact fixture with Robe’s ground‐ breaking TE technology, a serious output and a nice array of features which is ideal for this size of theatre / performance space.
“In the end it boiled down to a belief in the product,” commented Alex, adding that Tony Perez, the sales lead and maritime specialist for Robe, had arranged for them to visit Robe’s HQ and factory in the Czech Republic which impressed them greatly.
Robe was also willing and able to customise these PAINTES, producing a special Spot edition without shutters for this application, which was another bonus. “We believe the PAINTE will be good for at least 10 years,” said Silviu, adding that the colours and colour mixing were also major considerations. As Carnival Magic’s main show is one of the few still featuring multiple scenic drops, how well these could be lit was critical to the decision. Apart from that, they were keen on fixtures that all perfectly colour matched.
The new lighting installation was completed in three overnight sessions and across two days while Carnival Magic was at sea and operational. When swapping out the rig, they even played two shows on one of these days – with a mix of old and new moving lights.
Photo © Silviu Ardelean