GLP rides with Die Ärzte on Buffalo Bill in Rome tour

The German band Die Ärzte (aka the ‘Best Band in the World’) is one of many artists who made creative use of the forced pandemic break. After the album Hell, released in October 2020, the cult Berlin band released an album with the contrasting title Dunkel just under a year later. The associated tour, Buffalo Bill in Rome, is currently running, for which production designer Bertil Mark uses 21 of the new GLP impression X5 wash lights, 69 X4 Bar 20, 33 JDC Line 500 and 17 JDC1 to create his modern interpretation based on a huge honeycomb‐structured retro design. The honeycomb construction in the stage roof, which can be moved on a C1 system, was created in cooperation with schoko pro GmbH from Wiesbaden.
"The honeycomb and everything hidden within it is a completely unique construction," confirms Bertil. The lighting in the honeycomb alone accounts for 125 DMX universes. And those effects that are concealed inside come almost exclusively from GLP. For example, the latest‐ generation impression X5 wash lights are undertaking one of their first assignments on this tour. The lighting system also includes 69 GLP X4 Bars. Some Bars are also used in the honeycomb‐shaped sockets for IMAG screens on the left and right of the stage, where they ensure even lighting in the background. The remaining Bars are arranged in rows on the roof, each of which is interrupted by a row of spotlights.
Photos © Ralph Larmann